Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blog Candy!!!

Happy Wednesday everyone! :) As a thank you to all of you who stop by my blog and leave me such wonderful comments, I would like to give away some blog candy. I reached 5,000 hits on Monday! Thank you all SO much for visiting my blog, it means so much to me.

Now, onto the candy :) I am giving away this adorable Christmas House Mouse stamp, an 8x8 paper pad of Cosmo Cricket's new Wonderland patterned paper, some ribbon, and some flowers by Imaginisce. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post by midnight on Sunday, October 26, to qualify to win. To make things a bit more interesting, I am a book lover, so tell me your favorite book :) I will post the winner on Monday morning so check back then to see if you won :)

Okay, that's it for me today. I'm so sorry I don't have a project to share, but I've been feeling under the weather the past few days and haven't been doing much crafting. I'll have something for ya tomorrow though, I miss my stamp room! :)

Hugs, Christine :)


Danni said...

Hope you get to feeling better!!
Favorite book, huh? I love books, hard to choose one favorite but I've always loved Watership Down. But I also love Danielle Steel's books, Stephen King books and so on.....LOL!

Kim Baker (aka Kimmygt) said...

Get well wishes are sent your way. I love your blog and the inspiration it gives. Favorite book would be "Gone with the Wind". It took me forever to read it because I have a hard time with comprehending what I read but I loved it (The movie is just as great).

Linda w said...

Congratulations on your blog milestone. Hoping also that you feel better soon. I just discovered your blog and love your creations. I really don't have a favorite book but love reading stories about the "wild west". Thanks for the chance to win.

Annie said...

Congratulations Christine! and I just love your candy selection. Favourite book, well now, I rather like Joanne Harris's books, the first one I read was Chocolat and then the film came out with Johny Depp - delicious! mind you that was several years ago now. hugs, annie x

CraftyC said...

Hello Christine,
Thankyou so much for the chance of winning some fab candy, ttfn

Oma said...

No doubt in my mind - Gone with the Wind and I have it in hardcover. I also have the sequel, Scarlett in hardcover as well. Although Mitchell refused to write a sequel to Gone With The Wind, Mitchell's estate authorised Alexandra Ripley to write the novel Scarlett in 1991.
I've also read quite a few Danielle Steel books but after a while they all started sounding alike.
Congrats on the hits and thank you for the chance of winning that lovely blog candy.

Tricia said...

Great candy! My favorite book... hmmm - I love many of them, but how about Hinds Feet on High Places. It's wonderful!

Iulia said...

hi i'm an italian girl and i'd like to partecipate at your i love stephen king and my favorite book is pet sematary,i link you on my blog..kiss, Iulia

The Bug said...

Congrats on your Blog Milestone!

My favorite Author is Anne McCaffery - now my favorite book is hard because I love all her stuff. Probably Nimisha's Ship - because I just finished reading it again.

Unknown said...

hi christine!!! i hope you feel better soon!!! WOW 5K! seems like just yesterday we started talking about you setting one up.....way to go!!

Jennifer Love said...

Ooh...I have blog candy, too! :D Congrats on the hits!

Picking ONE FAVORITE book for me is like asking someone to pick ONE FAVORITE child...just can't do it! LOL!

Jeanette said...

Congratulations of your number of hits. It is no wonder as your cards are always lovely. My favorite book is Pride & Prejudice. Has been since my Mum gave me the book when I was 13! U will post a link to your candy on my sidebar tomorrow. You are super generous! I'm going to keep my fingers crossed! Hugs Jeanette

Ila said...

This is Fabulous candy!! Oh gosh...I have so many fav books...I think it would be anything by Sidney Sheldon...( his early books) and the VC Andrews flowers in the attic series. Hugs, Ila

Heather "Hev" said...

Get better soon :)

My favourite book is The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe :) Still have my falling apart copy from my childhood :)

cats whiskers said...

Congrats, just going to link your lovely blog candy on my blog. I love your blog such great cars on here
Hugs Jacqui x

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. As far as my favorite book, I have no idea!!! There are way too many that I like. I like anything froma great mystery to romance. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great prize.

Gina Lindsay said...

It's hard to pick a favorite book but I love The Thorn Birds and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Thanks for the chance to win!

Mette said...

You are very kind to offer such wonderful candy and thank you for an opportunity to win.

My favorite book??? I have so many but Jane Austen "Pride and Prejudice" I adore.
However, I do read David Eddings books over and over and ......
Hugs, Mette

Ria Zonnestraaltje said...

Congrats on the 5000 hits ;) That is some pretty blogcandy :)
My fav book. I have so many books that I call my favs but Harry Potters are by far the most favs. After that the Wicca books from Cate Tiernan, I like almost everything fantasy :)

hugs and hope you feel better!


Lou Sims said...

Many congrats on all your "Hits" ! ! ! and what fabby blog candy you are offering. I have left a link on my blog in the side bar.

As to my favourite book - I don't have one and if I had to be pinned down to an author it would be any book by either Issac Ashimov or Ian Rankin.

Hope you feel better soon.

Unknown said...

I came across your blog a couple of months ago, and ever since I stop by everday to see what you have done. You are amazingly creative! I wouldn't know about Whiff of Joy Stamps if it wasn't for you!



bumblebee creations said...

Thank you for the opportunity to join in on your blog candy! Congrats!
I think I would say Jodi Picoult's -The tenth circle - but it would almost be hard to say, cuz I really enjoyed her book called: My sisters keeper, too! Thanks again!

Marie said...

Favorite book is hard to choose since I have a wide range of favs. I would have to say "Le Comte de Monte Christo." Excellent read.

...and they lived happily ever after.
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